Fiction, 2020
The launch of Apollo 11 to the moon lights up one crow and five apparently unrelated people in a far away neighborhood in Jerusalem: Charlie, a sensitive seven-year-old boy who lost his father; Beth, a young English teacher whose father insists that she return home to Canada because he is worried by a picture of hers found in the newspaper; Haim Tzemach, who lives alone in a room on a roof and has just retired; Said, a Romani sanitation worker; And Baruch, a confectionery worker with an amputated thumb.
In a small geographic location, and in a single day, Dori Pinto succeeds in breathing into each and every one of them a unique personality, and to illuminate through them an era like no other. As humanity prepares to set foot on the moon, here on earth, individuals live their unknown, small, and precious lives.
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