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Fiction, Am Oved, 2022

Itamar Diskin, an extremely handsome and extremely short-sighted man, lives in the United States but makes yearly trips to Israel for eye exams and reunions with his brother. On one of these visits, during an alcohol-fueled evening, he tells his brother about a night he spent with a woman 20 years earlier, a woman who takes him home and whom he is never able to forget. A surprising story unfolds, both sad and entertaining, about love and longing, beauty and loneliness, passion and strife.



Rights Sold:

Germany: Diogenes; Holland: Ambo/ Anthos; Italy: Giuntina; Romania: Humanitas; Spain: Nagrela Editores

Option Publishers:

France: Editions Gallimard; Italy: Bompiani; Poland: Marginesy; Russia: Text Publishers; Slovakia: Slovart; USA: Pantheon/Schocken

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