Sherri Mandell
Sherri Mandell won a National Jewish Book Award in 2004 for her spiritual memoir, "The Blessing of a Broken Heart" (Toby Press, 2003). Translated into three languages, the book was adapted into a stage play. Her book, "The Road to Resilience: From Chaos to Celebration" (Toby Press, 2015) details the spiritual stages of resilience. She is also the author of "Writers of the Holocaust" (Facts on File, 1997) and has written for numerous magazines and journals including "USA Today," "The Times of Israel," "Hadassah Magazine," and the "Jerusalem Post." She received Moment Magazine's prize for best short fiction in 2009 and a Simon Rockower prize for the personal essay in 2011. She has written two children’s picture books, "The Elephant in the Sukkah" (Kar-Ben Copies, 2019), and "The Upside Down Boy and the Israeli Prime Minister" (Kar-Ben Copies, forthcoming in 2020). She won a PJ Library Incentive Award in 2018 and received the ADL Partners in Peace Award in 2004 as well as Jewish Women’s International Women to Watch Award.
She and her husband direct the Koby Mandell Foundation in Israel which runs healing groups and camps for bereaved families and children. She is also a certified pastoral counselor and runs support groups for bereaved women. She lectures around the world on grief and resilience. She also teaches creative writing in Jerusalem.