Our Profile
The Deborah Harris Agency is a Jerusalem-based literary agency founded in 1991.
The agency represents worldwide publishing and dramatic rights of Israeli, Palestinian and international authors, writers of fiction and nonfiction, including high-profile personalities in the fields of science, business, politics and history. In addition, the agency acts as sub-agents for numerous publishers and agencies overseas for representation to Israeli publishing houses.
The Deborah Harris Agency has earned an international reputation as the leading Israeli agency for literary fiction and nonfiction of the highest quality.
Deborah Harris moved from the U.S. to Jerusalem in 1979, after working at several publishing positions in New York. She co-founded The Domino Press, and in 1991, together with Beth Elon, she established The Harris/Elon Agency—renamed The Deborah Harris Agency in 2005.
Books for Young Readers
Levine Querido
Random House
Page Street Teen
Recent Sales
by Amir Tibon
Israel: Yediot Books; France: Christian Bourgois; Hungary: Libri; Germany: Suhrkamp; Romania: Corint; UK: Scribe; US: Little, Brown (World English)
France: Editions Denoël;
Israel: Achuzat Bayit, Romania: Editura Art; UK: Footnote Press;
US: Penguin (World English)
US: St. Martin’s Press (NA); Czech: Euromedia Group, Japan: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, Korea: Across